Monday, February 29, 2016

PT for Muscular Dystrophy and other degenerative diseases

Physical therapy is slightly different when you are dealing with a degenerative disease, like MD.
This is because in an orthopedic or injury situation there are often set goals for improvement to gauge a patient's progress, and you should see constant improvement as the body heals.  The article listed below states that when physical therapy is used for a person that has a degenerative disease, the focus should be on helping that person remain at the highest functional level possible at any given point.

picture can be found: HERE

Therapists treating patients with MD, will most likely be dealing with pediatrics due to the nature of the disease.  This makes it very important that therapy is fun and engaging for the child, more so than rigorous and exhausting.  The needs and wants of the child should always be put first in order to provide care that is rewarding for the child.  This population will most likely have a shortened life span and therapy should not be another thing they resent in life.

picture can be found: HERE

In summary, the therapist should focus on making the activities fun and engaging while trying to keep the child at the highest functional level possible.  This will ensure the child is getting the highest level of care and will actually look forward to going to physical therapy.

Full article can be found HERE

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